Palm Sunday

Sermon Reflections from Palm Sunday- The Triumphal Entry | Sara Wade | March 24,2024 

 It was nice to have Sara Wade back to speak this Sunday. She is passionate about sharing the love of Christ with others, and it certainly comes through as she speaks. This being Palm Sunday, she wanted to see the events of Palm Sunday through the lens of 1 John.

The Palm Sunday events reveal a willing Christ who humbly entered the city of Jerusalem riding on a donkey. This showed humility as He was the Son of Almighty God and deserved a chariot and crown if not more! Yet, he did not demand recognition or the things that go along with being a king. The people willingly praised Him and shouted Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! The city was teeming with those coming for Passover and many in the crowds had heard of the great miracles Jesus had performed and took control of the scene. They waved palm branches and sang praises to God. The proclaimed Jesus as Messiah. His disciples were confused at by all the happenings and did not fully understand them until after Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Sara spoke about John’s words of love, proclaiming God is love from 1 John. The people who praised Jesus were doing so to show their love and devotion foe who He was and who they thought He was. John knew later in his ministry that this love, selfless praise, can only come from God. Love originates with God. The mission to come to earth and be the sacrificial Lamb of God to die for our sins was accomplished by Jesus on the cross. He knew where he was headed that day as he went down the steep road into Jerusalem. I’m sure the human part of Jesus soaked in those brief moments of praise and love the crowd provided. Jesus knew their ‘love’ was going to be fleeting and He would end up at the cross.

Sara questioned each one of us to think about our commitment to God’s love. 1 John 4:7 says, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.” The love we have for one another comes from God himself. He brought love into the world and showed us the ultimate in love by sending Jesus. To be able to truly love one another and be unified in faith we must love God. Through the power of His Holy Spirit, He fills us with the power to love others in a way we cannot humanly love. How can you love strangers? How can you love those who would do you wrong? It is only possible with God because God is love and He will give us the love we need for one another.

She gave a powerful challenge that forced us to realize a new that love must be done in community. We have to be united in love to give out the gospel message of love and hope. A church divided will not move forward. I am reminded that Jesus prayed for the unity of all believers in John 17:22-23 “The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.” Jesus wanted us to know and feel the love He has for the Father so that we will feel 1 with Him. He even shares some of His glory with us so that we can know we belong to Him. This is the love Sarah is talking about that we need to access and apply to our Christian walk.

May your feet feel lighter as you walked the Palm Sunday road today with Jesus. Knowing his feelings of love and devotion for you can uplift and move us forward to love one another in a more profound and genuine way. He deliberately went down that Palm Sunday pathway for you and me!
Palm Sunday & Eastern Gate

The road ends at the eastern gate through which Jesus entered the city. It is now closed. In later times the gate was blocked to keep Messiah from entering, not realizing that Jesus had already come that Palm Sunday so long ago.

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