Pastor Alex began his sermon this Sunday by opening up that mysterious box called emotions. Because of our emotions run amuck, we often feel invisible, overwhelmed, unloved, downtrodden or despairing. In the midst of our turmoil, he suggested we need to take a pause to reset our perspective and look up. God knows, God notices and God can take care of us because He is sovereign and loves us beyond measure. Looking up to God and giving Him our worries and concerns- the roots of our emotions, will bring us back to a life that is resting in Him.
Pastor Alex used the telling scriptures from Mark 5 to show us how we operate in our own human realm. We cope with our situations until we come to the ‘end of our rope’. Jairus, a synagogue leader, who was desperate to find a solution to his daughter’s seemingly fatal illness. In spite of the Jewish leader’s opposition to Jesus, he humbled himself and came to Jesus seeking healing. He begged Jesus to come and heal her as he believed that he could restore her. Likewise, the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years came to Jesus in a crowd of people. She believed if she could just touch Jesus she would be healed. She certainly had not been able to find any sort of healing from doctors or medicines. Jesus was her last hope as well. Both of these people had exhausted their own resources and turned to Jesus as a last resort to find help. Jesus was willing and agreed to go with Jairus and felt the woman’s touch in the midst of the crowd. Jesus felt power leave him as she was healed. Jesus’ healing always cost him something just as our salvation cost him his life. They had tried to ‘fix’ the problem themselves but realized they were trying to do the healing in their own power and needed Jesus. Our own strength can accomplish much but the reality is that we need Jesus with us each step of the way to reach our goals and His purposes for our lives.
Both the woman and Jairus were noticed by Jesus. He acknowledged Jairus’ problem and was willing to go with him and bring healing. He recognized the pull of power from his body when the woman touched him and saw her faith. God notices you and me and desires to ‘help’ us in our times of need. I love Nahum 1:7 “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him, “ and 1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you”. What emotion are you harboring today? God sees you and knows you. He is ready and willing to help you as He helped Jairus and the woman. All you need to do is ask Him for His help like they did. He will be there for you!
Lastly, Pastor Alex reinforced the fact that God knows, sees, understands and hears our cries in sharing the Exodus 3 story of Moses and God in the burning bush. Moses was a simple shepherd tending his flocks in the wilderness of Midian. God appeared in a burning bush, burning but not consumed, and spoke with Moses. He told Moses He had heard the cries of his people in Egypt, knew of their oppression by the Egyptians and was concerned for their lives. He then told Moses he was going to go and be part of the solution. God was going to use Moses to rescue his people. I know Moses was overwhelmed as he objected to God’s request putting up several excuses as to why he could not possibly do this for God. God however is sovereign and through His might and power can and did overcome all of Moses objections.
What problems are you facing that seem overwhelming today? Is the emotion of overwhelm putting up excuses in your mind as to why you can’t trust God to help you? Like Moses, we need to step back, pause and let God’s Holy Spirit fill us with resolve and purpose so we can walk with God all the way into it and then through where God is leading. Can you be a Moses? Can you step out with Jesus and embrace what God has for you and trust Him with the solution? Perhaps God will go with you to fix the problem like Jairus, or his touch will cause you to be healed and ready to go forth in faith or maybe God is asking you to partner with Him in His work and move with Him. In all cases, the way with God moves us forward and involves faith and trust. Memorized Nahum 1:7 and 1 Peter 5:7. God’s promises are true and He keeps all his promises. Claim them in your life and move forward with Jesus.
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