Joy in Knowing Christ

Sermon Reflections from Citizens of Joy: Joy in Knowing Christ| Nathanael Gregoriev | July 14, 2024

It was a pleasure to have Nate, Darla and Eliana Gregoriev visiting with us this Sunday. Having those we support speak to us in person and share about their work for the kingdom is uplifting and affirming. As Nathaniel shared about their work for Wycliff Bible Translators 3 things came to mind. The work is big but God is bigger. The work is overwhelming and worldwide but one ‘bite’ at a time God is chipping away at the lostness of the world through us. Knowing Christ and doing His work in the world brings joy to the heart and soul and provides purpose for our lives.
Nate shared stories about God’s work and the impact of His Word upon the hurting world. Those are the stories that cause us to press onward and upward for Him. To not count the cost as Paul states in Philippians 3:7-8 “ But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. 8 Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and coun.”t

What stories to do you have of pressing onward, regardless of the personal cost to you? What stories do you have of God intervening in your life with his guidance and provision? Like Nathaniel, we need to be willing to step out and share what God has done and is doing in our lives. How will anyone know unless we tell them?

I have a story of my own to share. When I retired, I was at a very fearful point in my life. I was paralyzed when I had to make decisions about the future. I began studying the places in the Bible where we are told to not have fear. As I studied and journaled the list grew to 70 passages and the lessons and truths became more and more evident that to walk with Jesus I needed to allow Him to apply those truths to my life. As a result I ended up writing my first book, Fearless Living, based on those journals. Gradually, the Lord took my fears and replaced them with hope and trust in Him. When I begin struggling with fearful situations from time to time, I go back and reread the lessons and truths God taught me. It never fails to booster my hope, reliance upon him and decrease my fears. God does not want me to live in fear but to trust in Him. He gave us His Word to guide, support, affirm and convict us as we seek to live for Him.

This week ponder your own journey and where God is leading and how He is using you. Just like Nate and Darla, God has a plan for your life. Ask Him for an opportunity to share a story with others that testifies to your faith in Him.

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